A Typical Session

Beckley Preschool is open from 9 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday EXCLUDING Thursdays in term time.

We offer a high staff ratio to children which enables us to spend quality time with each individual child. This allows us to get to know the child are and also parents and carers.

We follow the EYFS and our OFSTED inspection 2018 granted us GOOD for our care for children.

Our session days and times are currently: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday – 9am – 12pm, 9am – 1pm & 9am – 3pm. We are currently closed on Thursdays.

The Session Routines include:

Welcome our children/settling in/sharing information with Parents/Carers.
  • Free Choice Activities -Thease are activities which the children are free to select themselves (or they have asked to be out) and move between when they are ready. Adults are always on hand to interact with the children and thei choice of activity, ensuring each child gets the maximum learning experience from it.
  • Adult Supported – These are activities in which the children work either individually or in small groups with an adult directing them. Activities can include: cookery, I.C.T, craft, letter and number small group activities, reading a book, speech & language activities if required, etc…
Snack Time
  • Children help to set up the snack table and then are free to come and have a snack when they choose. An adult is present at all times. An example of snacks supplied are; fruit, crackers, yogurts, breadsticks, pitta bread, vegetables, plus own grown fruit and vegetables. The children have milk or water to drink and are encouraged to pour their own drinks and, if having crackers, spread their own toppings. It is also a social time when children can interact with others through sharing stories/news. We have promote healthy eating and have a policy to promote this. We ask parents to bring in donations for snack if they are able to, as we are a charity run setting. A list goes up on the main door of what we may need for the following week.
  • Children are given the opportunity to show the group anything they have brought in from home or tell us their news. This helps to build children’s self-confidence and self-esteem. We sing songs together and then say our goodbyes.
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch Club
  • During these sessions, children eat their packed lunches provided  by parents/carers with the staff and participate in some more activities once they have finished their lunch. Please note we have a no chocolate/sweets or NUTS policy at our setting. No shellfish as well please.
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